Information can also be found in our policies and procedures and in our Childcare and Education Terms and Conditions.
Admission Information
What age can children start at the pre-school?
We take children from around 2 years 6 months if space is available.
Why do you not take babies and toddlers?
We are a pre-school and not a day care setting.
What are your opening times?
We are open from 9am until 3pm Monday to Friday term time only.
What are your session times?
Two-year-old's can attend 9am until 12 noon. Three-year-old's can attend 9am until 12noon, 9 am until 12.30pm (with packed lunch) or 9am until 3pm (with packed lunch).
Can I have different session times to the ones available?
This proves to be disruptive to the rest of the children in the setting as staff are called away to answer the door. We must maintain statutory adult: child ratios. We only allow this for children attending medical appointments, school visits etc.
Do you do afternoon only sessions?
We do not offer afternoon only sessions.
Why do you not open all year round i.e. 52 weeks?
The early years funding entitlement from the government is only for 38 weeks per year.
Who decides the term times?
Surrey County Council specify the number of days that settings need to be open within each term.
What is the maximum number of children that you can take each day?
We are registered with Ofsted to take up to 26 children. Details about specific age ranges are available on our admissions policy. Please note that we have limited availability for two-year-old's.
Why is there limited availability for two-year-old's?
We must adhere to statutory adult: child ratios. Two-year-old's require more adults in the setting.
I would like to change my child’s hours/days. Is this possible?
If you would like to change your child’s hours/days, please let the setting supervisor know as soon as possible. The supervisor will check the register for capacity. You may be required to complete a change of hours form for the funding.
My child is unable to attend one day this week so can they come in on another day instead?
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer this as we already have our cohort of children for the other days.
I no longer require a place at pre-school, how much notice am I required to give?
As per the Childcare and Early Education Terms and Conditions, you are required to give half a terms notice unless your child is leaving to attend the reception class at school.
I have been informed that you have no current availability for my child now. Do you operate a waiting list?
It is always worth putting your child’s name on the waiting list. Our existing families sometimes change their child’s hours from half days to full days which frees up availability. Please complete a registration form and send it to the pre-school.
Where are your policies located?
The policies are available on our website www.fgps.co.uk. They are also available at the pre-school.
​How do I find out about the government funding entitlement?
The website below has all the current information about the funding available.
Do you know if I qualify for the working family entitlement funding?
For all questions regarding eligibility please refer to the website below.
I have read that I need to have a funding code, where and how do I get it?
All children are eligible for up to 15 hours universal government funding the term following their third birthday. In this circumstance only, you do not need a code.
For all other types of funding i.e. two-year-old funding and working families funding entitlement you need to obtain a code from the website below.
Do I have to renew my code?
Yes, you will receive a text or an email reminder from the code provider.
What happens if I fail to renew my code in time?
Unfortunately, you will lose your working family entitlement funding and be liable to pay the fees for your child’s space at pre-school.
Are there deadline dates by which I must apply for my child’s funding code and what happens if I miss the deadline?
Yes, there are deadline dates by which you must apply for your child’s code. The dates are on the website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. If you miss the deadline date, your code may not be valid until the following term, and you will be liable to pay the fees for your child’s space at pre-school.
My child is entitled to 15/30 hours, but I have been informed that you can only offer less hours/ have no availability now?
Your entitlement is for government funding only and not a space at pre-school. We cannot offer spaces if we are up to our capacity. We can place you on a waiting list for when a space becomes available.
If my child is doing less than 15 hours, does the pre-school still receive 15 hours funding from the government?
The pre-school is only able to claim for the hours that your child attends. For example, if your child attends for 6 hours per week, the pre-school receives funding for 6 hours per week.
Can I save up unused funding hours and use them later in the year?
We are not allowed to use the funding in this way.
How does the pre-school receive the government funding?
At the start of each term, the pre-school will send out a funding declaration form for completion by the parent or guardian. This information allows the setting to claim the funding.
Is there a deadline date to complete the funding declaration form?
There is a deadline date for funding declaration forms to be entered onto the funding portal. Failure to complete and return the declaration form will result in you receiving an invoice for your child’s hours at pre-school.
How much does the pre-school receive from the government per hour for my child to attend pre-school?
The amount depends upon the age of your child and is available on Surrey County Council Website.
My child is not entitled to funding/only receives 15 hours universal funding, can I pay to attend/attend more hours?
You can pay for your unfunded child to attend or for additional hours. This will be dependent upon the space availability at the pre-school.
How much are the fees?
The current hourly rate is available on our website. Fees are continually under review and can change.
When will I receive an invoice for fees?
Fees are emailed from our admin account within the first two weeks of term.
Do I still have to pay if my child is sick or on holiday?
Yes, no refunds can be given for unattended sessions as the pre-school running costs remain the same.
Clothing and equipment
What clothing does my child require to attend pre-school?
Children require a coat, waterproof, wellies and a bag containing a complete change of clothes (nappies/wipes if required).
What shoes should my child wear?
We ask that children wear suitable shoes to pre-school that they can manage independently. Shoes with Velcro fastenings are best as children cannot manage laces. Children must not wear Crocs, Flip flops or open toe shoes/sandals at pre-school as they can get caught on the climbing equipment.
Why does my child require wellies?
The children require wellies for playing outside in the garden as we have mud and water play available. The garden is very wet in the winter.
Does my child need to wear shoes inside?
Yes, as there are toys and equipment that would hurt if stood on.
Why does my child require a waterproof?
The children have access to water and mud in the garden and a waterproof prevents them from getting too wet and therefore cold.
Which waterproofs are best?
There are several waterproofs on the market-Muddy Puddles/Trespass. They need to be waterproof and not showerproof. Snow suits are not suitable as they absorb water. Supermarket puddle suits vary in quality and are not always waterproof. Good quality items can be found on second hand sites and charity shops.
Which items of clothing need to be labelled?
All items need to be labelled including shoes. We regularly have children with the same coats and shoes. Children find it difficult to recognise their belongings when alongside others that are similar.
My child is toilet trained, why do they need spare clothes?
All children can get wet and muddy when playing or have the occasional toilet accident. We have a very limited supply of spare clothes. If your child is wet and we do not have spare clothes for them, we will have to contact parents for early collection.
Please check regularly that your children’s spare clothes still fit them and are appropriate for the season.
Can my child have a dummy at pre-school?
Children must not have a dummy at pre-school. Please see below.​​
Can my child bring toys to pre-school?
We have plenty of toys at pre-school.
Children should not bring toys from home into pre-school. This can lead to conflict when other children try to play with them or upset if the toys become lost or broken.
A child may bring a small soft toy as a comforter if they are unsettled when they first start. This will be kept in the child’s bag unless it is needed.
Do the children go outside in wet and cold weather?
It is important for children’s health and development that they spend time outdoors. At pre-school we go outside in all weathers that is why it is important to have adequate clothing suitable for the weather as well as spares to change into.
Lunch and snack bar
What should my child have in their lunch box?
Please read the healthy eating and lunch box policy located on our website.
Do you provide lunch?
We do not provide lunch at pre-school. Children should bring a packed lunch in a labelled box/bag.
Can you heat my child’s food up for them?
We do not offer the facility to heat lunches.
How can we keep food cold in the summer?
We do not have the facility to keep every child’s lunch box in the fridge. We request that you choose items of food that will not spoil and use an icepack in the lunch box.
How often should I contribute an item of food for the snack bar?
We ask that you send your child to pre-school with one item of fruit/vegetable/healthy item once per week. This is then prepared and shared out at snack time.
What drinks are available at pre-school?
Milk and water are available at morning snack time. Water is available through out the day and at lunch time.
Drinks are served in a cup.
Please do not send water bottles in to pre-school.
When can my child stay for lunch?
Children can stay for lunch club from 3 years old if we have space available. They must be able to independently sit and feed themselves. We do not have highchairs.
It is my child’s birthday; can I bring a cake?
Due to the number of allergies, we ask that you do not bring a cake. Treats may be brought in that can be distributed at home time. We do celebrate children’s birthdays and provide them with a book.
I was running late; can you give my child breakfast?
We do not provide a breakfast club. The snack bar is available later in the morning.
Does my child have to be toilet trained to attend pre-school?
No, we accept children in nappies. Please keep a supply of pull ups and wipes in your child’s bag.
For information about toilet training, please consult with your child’s health visitor.
Further information is available on www.eric.org.uk
Medication and Illness
Can children attend pre-school if they are ill?
We request that children are not brought into pre-school if they have been ill. This is to protect everybody in our pre-school family.
My child has had Calpol/medication, can they attend pre-school?
We respectfully ask that you do not send children to pre-school if they have had any medication such as Calpol. The medication masks high temperatures causing children’s health to rapidly deteriorate once the medication has worn off.
If your child has had Calpol/medication and we have not been informed, your child could be at risk of overdose, should your child need emergency intervention at hospital.
How long must my child be absent from pre-school after bouts of sickness/diarrhoea?
Children must not attend pre-school until it has been 48 hours since their last bout of illness. For other illnesses we will consult information provided by the NHS or Public Health England. Children and young people settings: tools and resources - GOV.UK
Why must I contact the pre-school by 9.15am if my child is not attending pre-school?
You may contact by telephone or email.
This is due to a national child protection review involving a child being at home with a deceased parent. If we are not contacted, we are required to follow our child protection procedures.
Can staff administer medication?
Please do not leave any type of medication in your child’s bag.
Staff can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a medical professional.
If your child requires medication for a specific health condition, you must complete a consent form.
The staff all have paediatric first aid training and anaphylaxis training.
Can staff apply sun cream to my child in the hot weather?
Please read the Sun Smart policy on our website.
Staff will not apply sun cream to children due to the logistics of applying sun cream to 26 children.
Please do not leave sun cream in your child’s bag.
General Information
How do I receive information about pre-school?
Information is provided in emails, weekly newsletter, web site and by Facebook. There is a noticeboard inside the centre. Your child’s key person will also provide information.
How do I receive information about by my child’s progress?
Please read the working in partnership with parents policy on the website for details about reports.
Do you have parent’s evenings?
We invite parents to attend review meetings after the morning drop off, once the children have arrived and settled.
I like looking at the pictures on Facebook, can you message me separately or have a closed Facebook site?
The Facebook site is used for providing information and marketing the pre-school only. We do not have the staff resources to run a separate closed site. Information about your child will be provided by your child’s keyperson at review meetings.
When can I contact the pre-school?
You may contact the pre-school between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday (term time). Emails will be responded to the next working day at a time dependent on the needs of the children.
The Committee
What is the Early Years Alliance?
The Early Years Alliance is an early-years educational registered charity and a voluntary sector provider of childcare for young children in England. early years alliance
Frimley Green Pre-School is a member of the Early Years Alliance.
Why does the pre-school require a committee?
The pre-school constitution requires that we have a 60% parent committee. Without a committee pre-schools cannot function.
How often does the committee meet?
The committee is required to meet at least once per term. They tend to meet every half term.
What does the committee do?
The committee is responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the pre-school. They are mainly engaged in fundraising events to raise money for new equipment and to keep costs to parents low.
How can I join the committee?
Please speak with the pre-school supervisor or administrator. You will be required to have a DBS check and complete a registration (EY2) with Ofsted.